Day 29: Cracking LeetCode Challenges with Confidence

Day 29: Cracking LeetCode Challenges with Confidence

Today was all about tackling challenging LeetCode questions. I'm excited to share my experience of solving not one, but two intriguing problems: "Count Equal and Divisible Pairs in an Array" and "Count the Digits That Divide a Number". Let's dive in!

Solving "Count Equal and Divisible Pairs in an Array"

The first challenge put my problem-solving skills to the test. The goal was to find pairs of elements in an array that are equal and divisible by each other. I began by iterating through the array, looking for elements that met the criteria. With some strategic use of nested loops and conditional statements, I was able to efficiently count these pairs.

Cracking "Count the Digits That Divide a Number"

The second problem involved counting the digits that divide a given number without leaving a remainder. To solve this, I broke down the process into steps. I converted the number to a string to easily access its individual digits. Then, I iterated through the digits, checking if they were divisors of the original number. Using some logical conditions, I tallied up the count of such digits.

With each challenge conquered, I'm excited to take on new coding horizons and further enhance my skills. Join me for the upcoming days, where we'll continue our exploration of Data Structures and Algorithms with C++. Happy coding, everyone!